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Helping a nursing home

CRASH volunteer staff pastors have been working in both Hiroshima and Okayama Prefectures providing leadership and administration. Here is one example. On July 26th, a team of over 30 Japanese and Korean volunteers, led by a CRASH pastor, went into the heart of the mountains in Okayama Prefecture to help a special care nursing home. 98% of the residents need at least Level 2 nursing care, so it was a miracle that the staff on duty were able to quickly carry everyone to the second floor before the first floor was submerged. The volunteer team worked in the blazing sun to clean mud from the furniture and equipment. (Click on any photo to view it full size.)

More photos of this and many other activities can be found on CRASH’s Facebook page.

Kurashiki submerged

Pray for Western Japan after floods

There is widespread damage after torrential rains hit a huge swath of Western Japan for several days. Please pray for rescue for those still stranded, shelter for the hundreds of thousands who are displaced or evacuated, comfort for the families of over 90 who have died and over 50 who are still missing, and safety for the first responders. Also pray for the Lord’s wisdom for CRASH and other disaster relief organizations who are assessing the most strategic ways we can help.

Also, please visit the Financial Support page and consider donating to help with our relief efforts.

Recent article from JapanToday

Recent article from SkyNews

Trip to Hita Base (Northern Kyushu)

CRASH Japan sent 2 volunteers to Kyushu DRC Hita base. Today they went to Asakura city, one of the most devastated areas in Fukuoka, due to the heavy rain 3 weeks ago. They helped clean up a house of a gentleman & his daughter. Their house had been totally covered in mud. One CRASH volunteer served as a chaplain. She visited a shelter nearby and listened to several survivors’ stories listening to their traumatic stories. An old lady told of when the flood came in her home she was so afraid and just trembling in a blanket. CRASH Japan continues to send psychological and spiritual caregivers to the survivors. Please help CRASH Japan with your prayers and financial support.

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【杉並・中野・練馬キリスト者防災ネットワーク】都内で30度を超える午後、久遠キリスト教会を会場に開かれた交流会にサポーターとして参加した。 昨年発足したキリスト者防災ネットワークの今回の交流会には、10以上の教会から30名弱が集った。防災に取り組んでいる二つの教会の事例を聞いた後、グループに分かれ、互いに思い、意見、情報を分かちあった。防災について更に知りたい、教会として準備していきたいという意気込み、積極性が感じられた爽やかな集まりだった。注:杉並、中野、練馬にある加盟教会と団体による防災ネットワークを、三区の頭文字をとりSNNと呼んでいる。*写真はプログラムと、挨拶をした世話人代表の三浦牧師。2024年9月6日(金)レポート:永井敏夫 ... See MoreSee Less
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「広域フォーラム2024」能登支援活動の実際 1,日本バプテスト連盟神奈川バプテスト連合災害対策委員会、   根塚幸雄氏2,LOVE EAST 天野真信氏、三浦灯氏動画リンク先    ↓youtu.be/cblafpBjIRw ... See MoreSee Less
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