In this video (Japanese only), CGN TV (Christian Global Network Television Japan) reported on a meeting of the nationwide collection of regional Christian disaster relief networks, as well as describing the beginning work by the Kyushu network in response to the floods and relief goods supplied by other networks and ministries. It includes comments from a few pastors and a list of churches with damage. Please pray for these churches and for the work being done.
2020 South Kyushu floods
Flooded churches and early relief work
Please pray for southern Kyushu. Torrential rains on July 4th and 5th caused severe floods – here is one of many news reports:
Below is a report on churches in southern Kumamoto Prefecture – the text is in the process of being translated into English.

- 人吉バイブル・プロテスタント基督教会(森下薫牧師)は床上浸水し、7月6日現在停電中で、車も水に浸かり使用できない状況。
- トータル・人吉神愛キリスト教会(土肥洋子牧師)は、土肥牧師が4日早朝5時に避難。教会は高台にあり浸水は免れたが、牧師宅は完全に水没。
- アッセンブリー・人吉キリスト教会(大﨏浩嗣牧師)は信徒宅で床上浸水。
- イエス栄光芦北教会(松岡欣也牧師)は信徒宅で浸水被害。
- 水俣福音キリスト教会(神薗悟牧師)は、教会には被害はなかったが、地域の一部の人が教会に避難している。
- 希望キリスト教会川内チャペル(松本貢牧師)は床上浸水に遭った。