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CRASH Japan Continues Relief Work for Tohoku

Focusing on Emotional and Spiritual Care

Dear CRASH Prayer Partners and Supporters,

CRASH Japan will send Rev. Takahito Iwagami (Chaplain staff) and Helen Kwak (Care Coordinator) to the Tohoku East Japan Church Network Conference.

Takahito is going to speak about “Emotional and Spiritual Care and Self-Care”. Helen will lead a workshop entitled “Ministry of Presence and Compassion Fatigue: Heart, Soul, Mind, and Power”.

Even after 4 years since March 2011, the ministry of emotional and spiritual care has been getting more critical for the churches, pastors, and Christians in Tohoku who continue to serve the survivors. Please remember in your prayers that CRASH Japan continues to work for the survivors and care workers in Tohoku.

Please continue to help CRASH Japan spiritually and financially. Your donations will enables us to serve survivors, churches, and Christians in Japan.


Seminar and Workshop in Tohoku

東日本宣教ネットワーク1Today, on Sep. 29 Tue, CRASH sent Rev. Takahito Iwagami (Chaplain program staff) and Mrs. Helen Kwak (Care coordinator) to Sendai Baptist Seminary where East Japan (Tohoku) church network conference was held.

Pastors and Christians from Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki, and the other Tohoku areas came and learned “Emotional and Spiritual Care for Survivors” and “Self Care”. You can see in the photos how seriously they were learning and enjoying fellowship.

CRASH Japan keeps serving the Tohoku churches and Christians and hopes to provide long-term support.

Mrs. Helen Kwak led workshop on Compassion Fatigue and Self Care

Helen Kwak led a workshop on Compassion Fatigue and Self Care

Rev. Iwagami had a presentation on emotional and spiritual care and self care.

Rev. Iwagami had a presentation on emotional and spiritual care and self care

Can you help with sweets?

モバイルカフェWe’re planning to open a mobile cafe at a shelter in Ibaraki-ken on Friday, this week. Would you make baked sweets for survivors with love?

If you can bring them to our office on this Thursday afternoon, please send us a message contact us.

Or if you can partner with us financially at this time, please send your donations to us via postal transfer. Please include a note that it is for the “Typhoon 18”:

  • Account number: 00110-3-290907
  • Account name: Ippan Shadan Hojin CRASH JAPAN

CRASH Volunteer Worked in Joso with Salvation Army Japan Team

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Dear CRASH Prayer Partners and Supporters,

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

Today, Thursday, Sep. 24th, Rev. Takahito Iwagami, a chaplain of CRASH Japan, joined a Salvation Army volunteer team to serve the survivors and care workers in Joso city. Joso is one of the most affected areas by the flood (Kinugawa River) two weeks ago.

Rev. Iwagami was working as a chaplain and serving hot lunches (beef/rice bowls and special soup) with SA volunteers at Joso’s public gymnasium. This place was one of the biggest shelters in Joso city, and has now become a distribution center. Many survivors come to the gymnasium in order to get daily supplies.

The team served 355 meals and 100 cups of special coffee to the survivors and volunteer staff at lunch time. Survivors were so thankful for hot meals because they usually have cold rice balls and emergency food. It was also a great opportunity to provide emotional and spiritual care to them. Volunteers at the distribution center were also thankful to have a good break because they have been getting tired from hard work for two weeks after the typhoon.

Here is Rev. Iwagami’s report:

“It was my first experience to work at a canteen truck. I was so blessed to work with a Salvation Army team. Survivors looked tired, but when they received donburi and hot soup they smiled and said to us, “Thank you for lunch.” As we served lunch, we listened to the survivors’ stories of how they evacuated and how they felt. We provided not only hot meals but also emotional and spiritual care to them. I was also very happy for the opportunity for CRASH Japan to work with Salvation Army.”

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From Facebook…

自然災害が多い日本では、現場でのサポートを実施する支援者への心の支援はとても重要です。災害現場で対応している支援者へのストレスマネジメントは、支援者の心のインパクトを和らげ、日常生活に出来る限り早期に復帰できる手助けが期待できます。今回のセミナーでは、臨床心理士・ICISF認定教官の郭 ヘレン先生から災害時におけるピアサポートボランティア(PSV)としての対応のあり方、そして自らのセルフケアなどのストレスマネジメントを教えて頂きます。このセミナーでは、米国ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation)のメソッドをもとに災害時におけるボランティアとして対応方法を学んで頂きます。 《講師紹介》郭 ヘレン, MA, CCIMSICISF認定教官 学位: ヒューマン・サービス・カウンセリング修士号取得その他: グリーン・クロス・トラウマトレーニング ... See MoreSee Less
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4月21日(日)午後、杉並区にある救世軍の施設アネックスにて、杉並・中野・練馬キリスト者ネットワーク(SNN)設立記念交流会が開かれた。(Sは杉並、NとNは中野、練馬を指す。) 地域教会防災ネットワークについての講演を聞き、パネルセッション、グループセッションで互いの考え、思いなどを分かちあった。   オンラインで参加された方々も含めて50人を越える方々が繋がる機会になった。こうした地域教会ネットワークが誕生し、動き出し、諸ネットワークが繋がっていくことをこれからも願いながら、クラッシュジャパンはサポーター、触媒として歩み続けたいと思う。永井敏夫 ... See MoreSee Less
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自然災害が多い日本では、現場でのサポートを実施する支援者への心の支援はとても重要です。災害現場で対応している支援者へのストレスマネジメントは、支援者の心のインパクトを和らげ、日常生活に出来る限り早期に復帰できる手助けが期待できます。今回のセミナーでは、臨床心理士・ICISF認定教官の郭 ヘレン先生から災害時におけるピアサポートボランティア(PSV)としての対応のあり方、そして自らのセルフケアなどのストレスマネジメントを教えて頂きます。このセミナーでは、米国ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation)のメソッドをもとに災害時におけるボランティアとして対応方法を学んで頂きます。 《講師紹介》郭 ヘレン, MA, CCIMSICISF認定教官 学位: ヒューマン・サービス・カウンセリング修士号取得その他: グリーン・クロス・トラウマトレーニング ... See MoreSee Less
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