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CRASH Volunteer Team Provided Emotional and Spiritual Care at The Biggest Shelter in Joso City

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Dear CRASH Prayer Partners and Supporters
Thank you again for your prayers and financial supports. CRASH Japan sent a volunteer team to the biggest shelter in Joso city today. There were about 200 people who evacuated from the flood. Today we served 100 crepes and hot coffees and teas to the survivors. We also offered footbath and hand massage.
They sat and enjoyed conversations with CRASH Japan’s emotional caregivers. Most of them were the older people. Some younger and small children were among them. They told us the stories how they survived through the flood in September. They also told us that they struggled with facing difficult realities.
We served them though active listening and provided emotional care. Please keep praying for and support CRASH Japan as we continue to serve the survivors.

Can you help with sweets?

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We’re planning to open a mobile cafe at a shelter in Ibaraki-ken on Saturday, Oct.17th. Would you make baked sweets for survivors with love?
If you can bring them to our office on Friday, Oct 16th, please send us a message:) Onegaishimasu!

CRASH Provides Emotional and Spiritual Care for Joso Survivors

CRASH Japan’s volunteer team worked as emotional and spiritual caregivers in Joso city.

Many people there, both survivors and relief workers, look tired, even exhausted. As we served coffees, cookies, cakes, and crepes, they were reminded that they needed to take a break.

Our emotional care coordinator Helen Kwak brought her dog Chappy – she listened to survivors while Chappy brought some smiles to faces in his own way.

CRASH Japan is working with Salvation Army and DRC Net on a training program for emotional and spiritual caregivers and disaster response chaplains. In the US this type of cooperation between groups might be normal, but in Japan it is historic!

Please keep praying for Japanese Christians and CRASH Japan. Our dream is that emotional and spiritual care might become one of the significant missions of Japanese Christian churches.


Mobile cafe at Joso City

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Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters
Thank you for your prayers!
On October 2 Fri CRASH Japan sent a volunteer team to Joso city (Mitsukaido Gymnasium). Thanks to the help of the Salvation Army (they let us use a canteen car and truck and sent two staff to help us!), we opened a mobile cafe and served three kind of crapes (chocolate, chestnut cream, and red beans cream) and coffee to the survivors, volunteers, and civil services there.
Helen Kwak(Our care coordinator)opened an “active listening space.” Survivors sat in the tent and enjoyed cookies, crapes and coffee. It was a great opportunity to provide emotional and spiritual care to them.
It was also such a great opportunity for us to work with the Salvation Army. We learned a lot of practical wisdom from them.

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From Facebook…

自然災害が多い日本では、現場でのサポートを実施する支援者への心の支援はとても重要です。災害現場で対応している支援者へのストレスマネジメントは、支援者の心のインパクトを和らげ、日常生活に出来る限り早期に復帰できる手助けが期待できます。今回のセミナーでは、臨床心理士・ICISF認定教官の郭 ヘレン先生から災害時におけるピアサポートボランティア(PSV)としての対応のあり方、そして自らのセルフケアなどのストレスマネジメントを教えて頂きます。このセミナーでは、米国ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation)のメソッドをもとに災害時におけるボランティアとして対応方法を学んで頂きます。 《講師紹介》郭 ヘレン, MA, CCIMSICISF認定教官 学位: ヒューマン・サービス・カウンセリング修士号取得その他: グリーン・クロス・トラウマトレーニング ... See MoreSee Less
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4月21日(日)午後、杉並区にある救世軍の施設アネックスにて、杉並・中野・練馬キリスト者ネットワーク(SNN)設立記念交流会が開かれた。(Sは杉並、NとNは中野、練馬を指す。) 地域教会防災ネットワークについての講演を聞き、パネルセッション、グループセッションで互いの考え、思いなどを分かちあった。   オンラインで参加された方々も含めて50人を越える方々が繋がる機会になった。こうした地域教会ネットワークが誕生し、動き出し、諸ネットワークが繋がっていくことをこれからも願いながら、クラッシュジャパンはサポーター、触媒として歩み続けたいと思う。永井敏夫 ... See MoreSee Less
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自然災害が多い日本では、現場でのサポートを実施する支援者への心の支援はとても重要です。災害現場で対応している支援者へのストレスマネジメントは、支援者の心のインパクトを和らげ、日常生活に出来る限り早期に復帰できる手助けが期待できます。今回のセミナーでは、臨床心理士・ICISF認定教官の郭 ヘレン先生から災害時におけるピアサポートボランティア(PSV)としての対応のあり方、そして自らのセルフケアなどのストレスマネジメントを教えて頂きます。このセミナーでは、米国ICISF (International Critical Incident Stress Foundation)のメソッドをもとに災害時におけるボランティアとして対応方法を学んで頂きます。 《講師紹介》郭 ヘレン, MA, CCIMSICISF認定教官 学位: ヒューマン・サービス・カウンセリング修士号取得その他: グリーン・クロス・トラウマトレーニング ... See MoreSee Less
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