Focusing on Emotional and Spiritual Care
Dear CRASH Prayer Partners and Supporters,
CRASH Japan will send Rev. Takahito Iwagami (Chaplain staff) and Helen Kwak (Care Coordinator) to the Tohoku East Japan Church Network Conference.
Takahito is going to speak about “Emotional and Spiritual Care and Self-Care”. Helen will lead a workshop entitled “Ministry of Presence and Compassion Fatigue: Heart, Soul, Mind, and Power”.
Even after 4 years since March 2011, the ministry of emotional and spiritual care has been getting more critical for the churches, pastors, and Christians in Tohoku who continue to serve the survivors. Please remember in your prayers that CRASH Japan continues to work for the survivors and care workers in Tohoku.
Please continue to help CRASH Japan spiritually and financially. Your donations will enables us to serve survivors, churches, and Christians in Japan.