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Earthquake & Tsunami in Ishikawa and surrounding areas

Please pray for the coastal areas of Central Japan along the Japan Sea, especially Ishikawa, Toyama, and Niigata prefectures. On New Years Day, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake hit the Noto Peninsula and triggered tsunami conditions all along the coast on that side of Japan.

Here are a few news links in English as of now, about 5 hours after the quake:

Multiple Christian disaster relief networks are coordinating to gather information about the damage and needs in the area. The situation is very dynamic and aftershocks continue, so churches and networks will decide on a course of action after things have stabilized. Also, we will wait for first responders to finish their rescue efforts and searches for survivors before beginning relief activities.

Reflect and Reconnect

REFLECT AND RECONNECT~ 10 Years This year as we approach the anniversary of the 3.11 Great Eastern Japan Disasters, and the response to that by the Christian community of the world, we would like to take some time to focus on and listen to the individuals who responded. We aren’t looking to go back and re-experience that time, but would like to look at where we are now, and how responding to the disasters has affected our lives. Our reunion this year, sponsored by the Heart Care Department, is designed to create a space for us to listen to each other answer these three questions.

The Questions:

  1. When and where did you work with CRASH? What was your role and what did you do?
  2. How has your life changed since then? Where are you now and what are you doing?
  3. How did responding to the 3.11 disasters affect your life? Looking back, what does it mean to you today?

Please watch your email for an invitation to join this reunion. Or be proactive and reply here. https://crashjapan.com/en/reunion/

Remembering and Recovering

The devastation from the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and the subsequent tsunami and nuclear disasters ten years ago took a deep toll on the communities up and down the northeastern coast of Japan.

While people in the affected areas have grieved their losses, repaired or rebuilt their homes and businesses, re-established communities, and are going on with their lives as best they can, the recovery from that disaster is still actually ongoing. In one area the big road that was supposed to provide an escape route if another tsunami came is still under construction. In another area there are still a few evacuees who are not settled in permanent housing.

This month organizations all over Japan are preparing events to memorialize the ten year mark. Coming just one month before that anniversary, this earthquake has shaken people emotionally.

Pastors are reporting the distress of people in their communities. Many who have worked hard over the last ten years to overcome their trauma have found themselves again dealing with anxiety, stress, and flashbacks. After picking up the pieces of our lives, and working to return to order in the community, this quake has reminded everyone of how very vulnerable we are. The things that we take for granted, the order of our lives, the buildings and structures that we depend on for safety and comfort, all can become uncertain when the ground shakes.

Please join us in praying for healing and peace for these communities and individuals, and wisdom and safety for the pastors and missionaries who minister there.

Earthquake off the Coast of Fukushima

Last Saturday evening at 11:07 p.m. a magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck northeastern Japan. The focus was off the coast of Fukushima prefecture at a depth of 55 kilometers. This earthquake did not trigger a tsunami, and there have been no deaths reported. However, over 150 injuries have been reported across six prefectures. Close to a million homes lost power for several hours, and some areas are still having trouble with their water supply. Buildings, roads, electric poles and Shinkansen bridges have been damaged and one section of highway was destroyed by a landslide triggered by the earthquake.

Seismologists are saying that this earthquake is actually an aftershock of the 2011 Great Eastern Japan Earthquake that spawned the tsunami and nuclear disasters that followed. It is the strongest quake in this area since April 2011, and some people who lived through the 2011 quake report that they felt that this one shook even more than that one did. Dishes broke, books and objects were tossed about, furniture that was not secured was toppled, and for many, the feeling of safety that was beginning to be re-established after the devastation from 10 years ago was shaken, too.

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「能登地震災害支援のための集い」(約2時間)2025年1月23日(木)11時~於:内灘聖書教会 ... See MoreSee Less
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【情報提供】「災害ボランティア対応プログラムのご案内」主催:特定非営利活動法人PSV JAPAN今回のセミナーでは、臨床心理士・ICISF認定教官の郭 ヘレン先生から災害時におけるピアサポートボランティア(PSV)としての対応のあり方、そして自らのセルフケアなどのストレスマネジメントを教えて頂きます。自然災害が多い日本では、現場で支援活動を行う支援者への心理的サポートが非常に重要です。災害現場で対応する支援者のストレスマネジメントは、心理的影響を軽減し、支援活動を健康的に継続するために不可欠です。このセミナーでは、災害支援団体がICISF(国際危機的出来事ストレス財団) のグループ危機介入コースの手法の災害対応、特にボランティア活動の場面でどのように活用するかを学んで頂きます。《講師紹介》郭 ヘレン, MA, CCIMSICISF認定教官学位: ヒューマン・サービス・カウンセリング修士号取得その他: グリーン・クロス・トラウマトレーニング米国において歴史の学士を修了後、中学校や高校の教員を務め、その後心理学の修士号を修める。東日本大震災後には、災害支援団体の一般社団法人CRASHJapanを通して東北各地で被災者や支援者のための心のケアと支援に取り組む。個人カウンセリングに加え、各地で傾聴セミナーと心のケア・ワークショップを開 催。日本の居住歴は30年以上。《講師より一言》「瓦礫の撤去や炊き出しに止まらず。、適切な訓練を受ければ、被災者、対応者、ボランティアとして、強力な影響力を持つことができます。支援のための優れたテクニックを学び、ストレスを管理できるピアサポートボランティアになりませんか?」災害ボランティア対応プログラム 参加申込《日時》2025年1月25日(土) 10:00〜12:00《Web On Line》このセミナーは、オンラインZOOMを使用したプログラムになっております。◉ 参加費:利用会費として一口、¥3,500 円 ◉ セミナーの参加申込、参加費は、参加登録時にPeatixにて申込をお願いいたします。参加申込:https://crisisvolunteer25jan2025.peatix.com◉ 今回のセミナー開催の1週間前に、ZOOM ID,Pass Code、テキストも添えてメールにて配信させて頂きますので必ず記入してください。《問い合わせ》お問い合わせの際には下記までご連絡をお願い致します。特定非営利活動法人PSV JAPAN 川上守利npo.psv.japan@gmail.com ... See MoreSee Less
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栗原一芳先生が天に帰られました。 かねてから療養しておられた栗原一芳先生は12月7日にお亡くなりになりました。 私の記憶を辿ってみると、クラッシュジャパンが2011年の東日本大震災被災者支援の活動をはじめた時から先生は関わっておられました。初めは広報部門におられたように思います。 暫くして、先生は自らが江戸っ子ということもあってか、首都圏の教会防災ネットワークの構築に重荷を持って活動を始められたように思います。 首都圏の諸教会にこつこつと足を運び、地域の牧師会で防災ネットワークの大切さを語り、またクリスチャン新聞に啓蒙の記事を連載されました。そう言う意味では、栗原先生は、現在の首都圏教会防災ネットワークの生みの親と言えます。 先生は触媒として、またアドバイザーとして、人々を励まし、促し、建て上げる役割を全うされたと思います。また先生のお話は分かりやすく、かつインパクトがありました。 首都圏にあるひとつひとつの教会ネットワークが、栗原先生の遺志を継いで(蒔いてくださった種が益々成長して)、更に活性化し生き生きとした実働を志向した繋がりを保ちながら歩んでいけますようにと心から祈ります。 代表理事 永井敏夫 ... See MoreSee Less
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