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God’s Plan is Big and Wonderful in Tohoku

Let’s praise the name of the Lord. I truly appreciate those who have been praying and supporting Tohoku. We feel the fresh autumn air and all the mountains are turning to beautiful autumn color here in Sendai.

    It has been 2 years and 8 months since the Great East Japan Earthquake and here in Tohoku there are differences in the pace of recovery in various areas. People are struggling with frustration that they can’t see the future, and they also often share the fear that even though they found a place to live, they need to prepare a large sum of money for moving out of temporary housing into regular housing. I know one person who couldn’t sleep well and couldn’t focus while he was driving and nearly caused a car accident. Also there are people who are finally beginning to open their hearts and start to share their distress and experiences after 2 years and 8 months. We feel it’s important for them to have a safe place to open their hearts. And moreover, believer’s testimony and Gospel are reaching those who never ever heard about Gospel before the earthquake. Recently the concert by Ron Brown was held at several locations in Tohoku and we could praise the Lord and sing together with a lot of people. After the concert people gladly said, “It was great and believing something gave us great strength! Christians are amazing.” I always saw and felt that after the meeting, people’s faces were full of smiles and they looked very satisfied. I’m sure that it is because God is with us and He is working among us. God loves the people in Tohoku and also loves the people who volunteer and always gives grace to them. I’m always amazed by God great huge plan and wonderfulness. I have great expectations of what God will do in this disaster area.

    Please continue to pray and support the disaster survivors.                                     

Sendai Office/Tomoko Sugawara, November, 2013.75808_546928345324972_5623553_n


During the months of April and May 2014, nine OperationSAFE camps were held in Eastern Samar, Philippines providing psychosocial support for 895 children.  Together with the first camp held earlier in Quinapondan the total number of children attending has been 1,077.


Five camps were held in April and another four camps were conducted in May in six municipalities; Balangkayan, Quinapondan, Hernani, Giporlos, Balangiga and Lawaan.

CRASH Japan provided curriculum and on the field training and funding for the Philippine Children’s Ministry Network who worked together with municipal governments, NGO’s and a core team of 14 volunteers from local churches.

Major funding for OperationSAFE came from humedica e.V., the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and support raised by school children in Japan and the U.S.



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【シェアよろしくお願いします!】いよいよ!来週vol.2です!またまだ能登半島を初め、被災地は支援と祈りが必要です。共に集まり、現地の状況を知り、賛美に心を合わせ、心ひとつに祈りましょう!-------------2024年5月24日(金) open 18:30 start 19:00会場:淀橋教会 1階 インマヌエル礼拝堂【出演】久米小百合 / 塩谷達也/ Hopen(Pf.永井開 Vo. 永井のぞみ)/ 野戸保奈 / 江古田ゴスペルクワイア/ 佐藤主一(Gt.)/堀木健太 (Ba.)/ 粟野耀太(Dr.)【現地報告】LOVE EAST 天野真信共同代表(ニューソングチャーチ牧師)、三浦灯理事ナビゲーター 神山みさ/ 坂上悦子*入場無料(席上献金あり。収益は被災地復興支援に用いられます。)*この定期コンサートは、過去13年間続けられてきました“3・11災害復興支援超教派一致祈祷会”の祈りと精神を引き継ぎ、その後続イベントとして誕生しました。 主催:PRAY FOR ALL JAPAN 「STAND TOGETHER」実行委員会後援:ウェスレアン・ホーリネス教団 淀橋教会協力 : Praise Alive ... See MoreSee Less
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