Do you know that penguins don’t or won’t fly? You might say, “Of course it can’t fly!”
But do you know that Pete the Penguin, who is the main character of our Operation SAFE Trauma Care Program, is now ready to fly?
The Operation SAFE Trauma Care Program was born to care for the children who suffered from the Sichuan Earthquake in China in 2008. And this program was also used for caring for children in Haiti and Tibet after disasters hit the respective regions. Presently this program is used for the children in Tohoku, Japan. And Pete the Penguin, who is working hard in Tohoku, is now ready to go to Asian countries as an ambassador of emotional care to the children in Asia.
I am currently writing this article in Bali, Indonesia where I am hosting a Leadership Training Seminar for Operation Safe Trauma Care. After hosting this session, I am going to Manila, Philippines and Seoul, Korea to give similar workshops. Then Pete is ready to go abroad.
Why is Pete invited to the Asian Countries? Is Pete’s job in Japan finished? NO! Pete will continue to work in Japan and CRASH Japan will continue to host the Operation SAFE Trauma Care Program in Tohoku and other parts of Japan mobilizing the volunteers and holding the workshops to deepen the knowledge and understanding of children’s emotional care. But should we monopolize Pete in Japan? The Lord commands us to “SHARE”. Therefore, we should not monopolize Pete in Japan and CRASH Japan is led to extend the Love of God to all the suffering children in the world. And by the guidance of God and the invitation of the people in Asia, CRASH Japan is introducing the Operation SAFE Trauma Care Program to those who needs the program.
The Operation SAFE Trauma Care Program is not only for the children who are suffering from the effects of natural disasters but also very useful for the children in the refuge camps and the slums who need the emotional care. Since there is no other emotional care programs for those children, the Operation SAFE Trauma Care Program is very much needed in Asia.
Pete the Penguin is now responding to the cries heard in Asia. Will you come and join our efforts to share the Love of God? We appreciate your prayers and support.
Operation Safe Leader / Rie Wilson